Artikel 16 der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte:
3. Die Familie ist die natürliche Grundeinheit der Gesellschaft und hat Anspruch auf Schutz durch Gesellschaft und Staat.
ganz im Gegenteil: eben weil ich den Unterschied sehe, bin ich Männern gegenüber weniger gehemmt.
Naked I feel everything more intensely - the elements of nature, encounters with people - I really feel just in contact with skin. True friendship I can only feel, with whom I was naked. Gladly I'm naked with male friends and while bathing and sport feel no reluctance contacting bare body. Men friendship including physical proximity and contact of the naked body is not marriage. The gender ideology contradicts Artkel 16 of the Convention on Human Rights: The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. Under this premise, I can also accept homosexual tendencies. On the contrary, precisely because I see relationship with the male friend differently to female, against men I'm inhibited less.
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